Thursday, May 29, 2008

According to my little baby widget on the right side of the blog, tomorrow I can celebrate 200 days of being pregnant...WOW! It is weird to think of it in that way...then again, some days it feels like I have been pregnant forever :)

Had a pretty rough night last night. We have some stuff happening at work that is not all together pleasant, and it has been busy. Riley was in a great mood, which was nice, but I made dinner and then Todd took her upstairs as usual, and I joined them a few minutes later. I was sitting in my recliner, watching Snow White with Riley when the first big contraction started. This is fairly normal, so I just noted the time...and then came another about 10 minutes later, followed by another 10minutes after that...and I started to worry a little. And I had them, on and off, for the rest of the night. Never really painful, so that was good...but then I had major heartburn, and I tried to go to sleep, hoping I was just tired, and everything would stop, but I was up and down pretty much all night, I am tired more contractions, really, but Annie is quiet- think she had a rough night with me too :)

I have another OB appointment next week, think I will be asking her/him about this again...I did last time, and he pretty much told me to expect this for the rest of the pregnancy..but it is really nerve-wracking...


Mellie said...

Wow, how scary about the contractions! I had them all the time with my second pregnancy too. My doctor told me it was normal and the more babies you had the more BH contractions you'd notice! But then, a few weeks later they hooked me up to the monitor and admitted me for observation because of the contractions. Go figure!

Karen said...

Hope Annie is relaxing a little more in there and your contractions ease up. :) Enjoy your mini-vacation.