Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Riley goes to school!

Today is Riley's first day of kindergarten! We were a little concerned about her waking up early, so yesterday we set her alarm for 6:30am and she practiced getting up and getting dressed. She did so well, I never even heard her until she walked into our room at about 6:35 completely dressed and ready to go!

So, no problems there....last night we made cookies for her to take for lunch and I packed her lunchbox and her tote bag all up (in K they are not allowed to have backpacks- no room, I think- so we had to buy her a tote bag- as you can see above. The only one Todd could find was black, so we decorated it with a red glitter pen....I am sure it will be the only one like it!!).

So, we had breakfast and all piled into the car....Annie, too! The place was a traffic jam, but we walked her into school and picked a table with one little boy and a little girl who seemed to be having a rough time- she was clinging to her mom....and Riley sat down, started coloring and pretty much said Bye Mom and that was it!! Todd and I shed a few tears- she did not- and then we left! She was so excited to be there- it has been all she can talk about and I can not wait to hear everything this afternoon.

I can not go with Todd to pick her up (sob!), but they are going to call me later....now I have to sit here all day and think about her and what she is doing...

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