Monday, July 19, 2010


Shoot- I was on such a roll...guess that is how it is with this blog lately. When I have time I get into a zone and write almost every day. But then life gets in the way and the blog suffers. That is how it should be, though...with us living our lives...I can record all of the details some other time.

Anyway, lots and lots to update on. I think when I last left, I was trying to get up all of the pics from our trip to RI in early June. Since then we have also had a vacation to Myrtle Beach, I went to Minneapolis for 4 days sans Todd and the girls and then had another unexpected trip back to RI. Now, we are home for a few weeks and then another, even longer trip to RI. Oh, and somewhere in there we lost a dear family member, Nanna Brennan, and another was new little niece Maya Rose, who I had the honor of spending time with only a few hours after she was born!

So, while I gather my thoughts and figure out how to get this all down, here are just a few random pics from the last few weeks.

Girls coloring with chalk on a hot day after playing in the sprinkler

All squeaky clean after baths!

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