Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Children's Museum

A few weeks ago, right after Thanksgiving, Riley, Annie, Laney and Karen and I made a trip to the new Children's Museum in Greenville and we all had a wonderful time. I knew that Riley and Laney would enjoy themselves, and they did, but Annie had a great time, too. I am so glad that she is walking- she had a ball pushing the shopping carts and in the little farm display especially for toddlers. I can't wait for Sophie to visit in February because we are so going back with her!!

Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera, but I knew Karen would have hers! So, if you are so inclined (and I know several of you will do anything to see pics of Riley and Annie!), you can visit her blog to see the photos, and even a TON of videos, too!! Karen is a much better blogger than I am!

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