Monday, August 4, 2008

38 weeks and holding

So, nothing is happening. Well, unless you count pretty much constant, painful contractions. But nothing else is happening, so apparently I will be pregnant forever!

Seriously, though, after a few episodes that I thought really might be "it", and now suffering through almost 5 weeks of false labor, my cervix is still the same, and I am scheduled for a 39 week appt next week! Had my OB visit today- lost a pound, so I keep losing and finding that same pound! BP was higher- 120/80, which I know is normal, but high for me, so of course, I will read more into this and be convinced that I am about to go into labor (one of my warning signs with Riley was elevated- for me- BP, but it probably means nothing at all) said things could change at the drop of a hat- I am still 2 weeks from due date- blah, blah, blah, as Riley would say...think he just felt bad for me because I was truly miserable there today...

So, enough complaining....I am really trying not to do that, hence the lack of posts lately! I know how truly lucky and blessed we are to be experiencing this miracle, I really do...but it just wears at your body...and trying to work full-time (two jobs, really), care for Riley and do all of the everyday things....well, it is a lot....

Blah, blah, blah!!!!

(For those who don't know, Riley is obsessed lately with the Barbie as Rapunzel Movie and there is a line in there that says, of course, she now repeats it over and over and over and over......)


Michelle said...

Hang in there - it can't be long now.....

Karen said...

Annie will be worth all this waiting!