Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On baby.... is my question- I know I have written about this before, but it still amazes me....why, oh why, do people feel like they have the right to comment about my ever growing belly in ways that I, in my hormone-driven mind, find annoying and sometimes outright offensive...??? Yesterday, someone told me that I was having a boy because I am carrying so low and flabby...yes- she really said flabby. Now, come on- how can you NOT find that offensive? Then, I had someone else today tell me that I was carrying low, and was I sure I had two months left. Are you kidding me???? upset. I am trying my best to enjoy this pregnancy, I know it will be my last, and I want to really get the most out of it, but to be continually told I am is hard.


Anonymous said...

You are not flabby!!! You're pregnant. You have another human being growing inside of you and in my opinion the closest thing to a miracle that there is.
Enjoy the time you have left.

Mellie said...

You are not fat, you are pregnant! Some people just do not think before they speak.

Jaime said...

ok, I know your whole post was about people's stupid comments (they were mean!)...but I just went "awh" when I read this will be your last pregnancy. There needs to be more Lisas in the world...don't stop after 2!!! :)

Oh BTW, don't kill anyone. You only have a little time left. It would be a shame to have Annie in jail. :p


Karen said...

I still cannot believe people can be so rude and INCORRECT, much less to a pregnant woman, and such a sweet one at that.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more beautiful then a pregnant women. And you are that. Annie is very lucky to have a mom like you. Mom H.