Monday, April 20, 2009


Those of you who know Riley know how much of a girly-girl she is. I tease her about it all of the time, but she likes nothing better than dressing up in her Princess costumes, putting on make-up, painting her nails and having a tea party. She does like to play outside in the sand and on her swingset, but she really does not care for bugs or creepy crawlies at all. She has been known to come inside from playing because she heard a bumblebee. The other day, after Todd had mowed the lawn, she called me over to her sandbox because there was a "spider" on the grass. Apparently, Todd had pulled up some weeds and one of the roots looked like a spider- she was seriously freaked out.

Anyway, that is why I was so surprised by this over the weekend:
Yes, that is a caterpillar. She had a ball with it, crawling up and down her arm. She even brought it over to show the little boy next door. She is full of surprises!
She also announced at the dinner table the other night, that since she was now reading (and yes- she is READING! Everything and anything she can get her hands on....she is reading "chapter-books" people.....), that now she would like to learn math....ummm....she is FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are definitely keeping our options open for a college scholarship!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy 8 Months today !!!!

Happy 8 months old to my baby girl!! Annie has had an exciting month- she went to RI, had a really bad cold and got 4 teeth...yes, you read that right- she has FOUR teeth coming in, all on the top, and possible contributing to how miserable she was with her cold. However, she is feeling so much better lately! And....she is thisclose to out she comes!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun!

We had a very nice, relaxing Easter. Weather was beautiful, girls were healthy and food was awesome!! Here are some pics:

Annie with her bib: Mimi and Papa and the girls

Todd and his ladies!

Me and the girls:

Grams and Annie:

Riley on her egg hunt- she had a ball:

The Bunny brought some goodies:

They don't quite fit Annie, but she thought they were funny:

Me and Annie:

Coloring eggs on Saturday:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More toofers coming...

We have another tooth- finally! The top left tooth has just barely popped through, but I can feel it. Even if I hadn't, now I know her tell-tale sign of a new tooth- a diaper rash! Not too bad, but it is there....

Girls and I are on our own this weekend- Todd flying north for Jeremy's wedding reception. Saturday is supposed to be a beautiful day and Riley, Grams and I will be attending Disney Live- Riley's b-day present this year. On Sunday we are heading to Mimi and Papa's house, so luckily I will have some help over the weekend and lots of things to do so they don't drive me crazy!! Plus, we are all relatively healthy, aside from a few sniffles and coughs, so that is definitely a plus!